Saturday, November 1, 2008

Tonsil Saga part 2 (AEDM#1*)

While we were waiting for my daughter's new surgeon to see her, I sketched this father and daughter who were also waiting. The man (Thomas) was from Peru and has lived here many years. They went in to see the doctor before us, so we didn't see them when we left.
About an hour later, across Tel Aviv on Allenby and Balfour, we got off the bus and there they were. Thomas asked to see the sketch, I showed it to him, then ran upstairs and made a scan of it for him.
*AEDM stands for Art Every Day Month, an online project byartist Leah Piken Kolidas, in it's 6th year.She invites artists to be more creative during the month of November and also links to their efforts. Click on the side-bar button on the right to see her blog and other AEDM artists.

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