Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Talks about sketchercise

Sketchercise is still very new - but it has a lot of potential to develop in very positive ways. Below I've listed some of the ideas which occurred to me about how Sketchercise might develop when setting it up

  • telling each other about sketching groups or walking groups which we belong to
  • providing details about how to join any like-minded souls on walks with a sketchbook
  • identify places to go which provide good opportunities for walking and sketching
  • identify good walks for sketchers - how many miles, terrain, how to get there etc
  • reporting back on outings we've been on. (That can be a link to a blog post)
  • telling each other about useful kit for sketching and walking. (I've become very attached to my pedometer and new portable sketching stool)
  • recording our steps/distances/calories burned and providing support for those dedicated to losing weight!
It's a small community at present - just 15 women and 1 man - but we are now thinking about growing it in a controlled way. We're quite keen to keep it on the small side so that we don't feel swamped by people we don't know. On the other hand it needs to get to a certain size to create an active community - and we're leaning towards having an active membership in more ways than one.

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