Saturday, June 27, 2009
Tips to Instantly Improve Your Figure Drawings
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Drawing the human form is no easy task. In fact, it's probably the toughest task an artists can try and master. Why? Because every person is different and each stroke of the pencil represents the model and the observation of the artist and their interpretation. There are a few principles to keep in mind as an artist that can help you with your observation and skill in figure drawing.
Now, that is big! When you are drawing, there are so many different things to think about. The techniques of block-in, contour, shading, and bringing the figure to life, isn't just about the paper and the pencil. It's about your awareness, observation and communication of the awareness through the paper and pencil. I will keep saying this over and over through this article that careful observation can make or brake any figure drawing. As artists, we need to be able to think of many different things while drawing but keep our focus on observation.
Are you remembering to consider gesture while hatching? Are you considering where your light source is coming from while you are shading or shaping your light? Remembering all the little things while drawing figures can be difficult.
Drawing, good drawing, comes down to increasing our observation and attention to our drawing, and of course, practicing.
Drawing the human form comes down to these principles. First, you need to have passion in you and desire to express life and beauty. This is non-negotiable, without it you won't be a great artist. Next you actually have to do it. Next is practice. Practice drawing anyone, everywhere. Draw the people on the bus as you go to work. Draw kids at the playground, draw people in your community or church, or anywhere. Wherever you are there are plenty of drawing opportunities. Take a sketchbook with you everywhere.
Practice drawing quick sketches, gestures, studies, anything you can think of. Have a particular feature of the human form that you tend to struggle with? Are hands tough for you? Maybe a mouth? Draw several studies of the feature you struggle with till you are confident in your strokes and anatomy of that feature. Do as many studies as it takes.
It's wonderful to see your figures take shape and come to life through your pencil. These tips on awareness and study should help. Passion and practice will bring about good skill. Remember that with good observation and careful awareness the door opens for making good art and bringing the figure to life.
Article Source:
Todd Harris is a master artist who is currently working as a concept art director for a multi-billion dollar corporation. He is trained in the Florence Academy Method. is a resource based website devoted to aspiring artists wishing to master figure drawing. Visit to get tips, tricks, and techniques to master the human form.
This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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