Thursday, July 16, 2009

Swimming Through a Seascape Abstract Art Paintings and enjoying Underwater Sunshine

The curl of the incoming wave, the hiss of foam on sand, the retreating water that pauses, only to come back again to the beach, all these things lead us to consider seascape paintings as an addition to our home or office.  What could be more soothing than a day at the beach, redolent of relaxed times and happy family outings?  When you choose a seascape, your mood may range to a sunny beach, yes, or it may soar to a stormy scene, filled with tension and excitement as the sea roils and rolls, its waves never still for a moment.  If you choose these sorts of scenes, think hard about where it would suit the setting that the painting winds up in.  Do you want it for your dining area?  Not likely.  Your bedroom?  Perhaps.  The wall next to the sliding glass doors overlooking the backyard or, if your circumstances permit, the view of the actual ocean or lake?  Yes, that would enable you to visualize the varying moods of a body of water, acted upon by the moon and the tides.  It may even inspire you to become a sailor yourself, gliding upon the waves and showing off your nautical skills!
Seascape paintings by their very nature use the hues of blue and green, the cooler end of the color spectrum.  For instance, blue and green soothe our moods into calmer states and for this reason, you may choose to hang an abstract seascape in your living room, where the conversation may become heated if the subject is politics or current events.  Think of the influence that a painting from nature can have upon hot tempers and heated words; a seascape is just the thing to ensure that debates do not get out of hand.  The same reasoning applies to an office setting, for which businessperson has not had the experience of a customer complaining about a perceived lack of good service?  Such a painting in the complaint department or office lobby will be most welcome to the secretary or clerk whose duty it is to handle such recalcitrant customers.  They will thank you for it in private.
Now that you’ve decided upon a seascape, do you want a daytime scene or a nighttime scene?  A nighttime scene will most likely have the moon involved, dancing silver crescents upon the waves as they roll endlessly towards a faraway beach.  Stars’ effects upon water include sparkles and a sense of navigation, in that the earlier mariners without GPS had only the stars and an astrolabe to navigate their ships.  You may even gain a sense of history as you gaze upon the dark wild waves and think of the bravery of our ancestors as they set out in small craft upon the boundless deep.
A daytime scene evokes all the happy escapes to the tidepools, the chatter of your friends, the inevitable sand between the toes and on the floor of the car as you reminisce about oceanside gatherings.  Gazing upon a seascape that is bright with the noon sun or glazed with clouds to present a darker mood will reinforce the rightness of your decision to purchase a seascape for your décor.

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