Saturday, August 1, 2009

Listen to the Music of Musical Modern and Original Abstract Art Paintings.

Every musical instrument have the soul of their own. As a cultured person, you enjoy all the arts: the dance, music and graphic art.  So why not combine two or three of these into a piece of music art?  If your particular love is opera, a portrait of a diva or even of a spear-holder in the chorus contributing to the genre will bring back memories of entertaining and enthralling nights at the opera.  You could commission a new piece or have a framed poster from an especially memorable night; either would satisfy the urge to decorate with what art is meaningful to you.  The dance offers a rare combination of the arts, the backgrounds being a graphic representation of the challenges of painting a backdrop, while the music provides a venue for the dancer’s interpretation of the piece.  An abstract painting of a ballet would fulfill any classical enthusiast’s dream.

Moving along to the popular end of the musical scale, jazz offers a dimension of music that is wild and freeform, a perfect theme for an abstract piece of music art.  Do you hear jazz and think of a blaze of color with pear-shaped sounds?  Then a canvas covered with a Jackson Pollock-inspired technique would display your interests as well as an ability to reach out of the norm of painting and into the realm of the sublime.  Jazz also has a fantastic and fully-realized history, and a portrait of the great Louis Armstrong as he blows his trumpet for the ages could stand in your home to remind you of the truly great performers of jazz.  Likewise, Billie Holiday with her trademark flower in her hair would make you think of the all-reaching influence of jazz, from its homeland here in the United States to the reaches of Europe and beyond.  Jazz is an American art form of which we can be proud.
You’re into rock music, all the way from the classic Beatles and Rolling Stones to the latest from Lady Gaga.  Posters from their concerts offer a way to freeze their performances in a certain era, the span of time from their careers that is most meaningful to you.  If you enjoy the early Beatles, then a painting based on the famous arrival scene at their first American concert would be a perfect idea for a work of art.  And should your tastes run toward their later works, a simple White Album-based piece could make a statement for irony or even parody, consisting of a completely white framed canvas.  (Of course, you’ll need a title plate for it, to avoid confusion and focus attention on your cleverness!)  Music art offers endless ways to decorate and infuse your home with charm.  You may even choose to offer themes for each room, say a ballet theme for the master bedroom, an elegant framed display of opera titles with their type altered to an entirely new font for the living room and a jazzy painting in the kitchen, serenading you as you eat your morning eggs, toast and coffee.  Indeed, the entire kitchen could resemble a coffeehouse, just the look that you want, because it is at a coffeehouse that the cognoscenti stop at after a performance of the ballet, opera or downtown jazz concert.  Your home will exude your artistic sensibilities if you include music abstract art paintings in your décor.

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