Sunday, January 31, 2010

Hermit Crab

I was (and am still) touched by all the words of encouragement sent via comments and also to my personal email when I quit painting (and therefore also blogging). I always thought I would take the time to answer each one personally, but I never did. But, allow me to tell you here, all the notes meant more to me than you could ever possibly know.

And now, more than a year later, I post one tiny watercolor sketch I did for a friend and again you come out of the woodwork to tell me you are glad to see me back. I don't even know how to show my appreciation. Thank you again.

A close friend of mine has dubbed me a Hermit Crab. I love to stay in other people's homes when they are away traveling. Not that I don't have a home of my own - I do. A very pleasant one. But there is something about just slipping into someone else's life for a short time that really appeals to me. And then there is the solitude...

Above is a watercolor sketch I did in Ronni's home while staying there recently.

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