Sunday, March 20, 2011

Blogger revamp in 2011 and I am very happy.

Blogger’s been in need of a revamp for a long, long time. It is an 11-year-old blog publishing service acquired by Google in 2003, just now Google begin teasing a complete revamp of its blogging platform. Blogger is one of the world’s top 10 biggest websites, far larger than, Tumblr or Posterous.
When I wrote my first post, I have no idea what the hell blog was.  That was back in 2007, good thing I start writing right?
I was really tempting in the past couple year whether to move my blog to Wordpress, because it looks a lot more professional. Plus, you can do a lot with Wordpress tempate without having to know CSS. It took me a long time to figure out certain element in blogger and re design it to how I want it to look. If I happen to use Wordpress, all I have to do is find the right template. Wordpress has far more and better tools than blogger would ever imagine it could have.
And now Google promises that it will revamp Blogger. Honestly, I was still thinking about Wordpress, in fact I already have wordpress install in my server and planing to move slowly little by little. Until I heard the news from Mashable and Cnet. I am really glad. And I am looking forward to what is coming our way. Hopefully, it will be a hundred times better. I can just only hope.

Below is the teaser video of what Blogger will get in 2011, very cool video

Cool huh, if we can get just all that and much more!

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