Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Mistakes Beginners Make
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Today's about the mistakes that beginners make from sketching or drawing.
Drawing With a Hard Pencil
If you have no very dark shadows and the whole picture is rather pale, check your pencil. Are you using a Number2 (HB) pencil? These are too hard to draw with (though they are handy for light shading). Get a B, 2B and 4B for darker values.
Humble graphite pencil may seem the simplest of drawing tools, and so - but when you hit the shops of art, graphite pencil existing range can be a surprise. If you are just starting, low-cost, quick solution is to choose a select 6B, 4B, 2B, H and 2H of many famous artists. A serious beginners may want to go to the full set of cans, or try clutch pencils. The pencils are relatively cheap, so experiment to find what is right for you.
The pencils are nuclei of graphite powder (not lead) fired with clay, which varies in hardness. Type of graphite used in pencils is relatively soft and flexible, like a small advantage, and erroneously considered a form of lead, when discovered. The irony is locked, and many think that once had a lead pencil to base, although they never did. Graphite particles leaving a small, smooth paper with a slight sheen.
Pencil Quality Varies
Pencils can vary widely in quality. Irregularities in substandard or poorly processed graphite can lead to unpredictable tonal range, and even worse, scratches in the paper. Uncentered cores tend to break on sharpening. High quality artist's pencils deliver reliable, even tone at carefully graded hardnesses, and are less prone to breakage.
Wood-Cased Artist's Pencils
The familiar 'graylead' pencil has a graphite/clay core encased in cedar wood. These range in hardness from around 9b (very soft) up to 9H (very hard indeed) depending on the brand. Most artists starting out will find that a selection of 2H, HB, 2B, 4B and 6B is more than adequate to start with. If you are interested in doing extremely fine, realist tonal work, you might want to include all the pencils from 4H to 6B, or even buy a boxed set.
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This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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