Friday, April 22, 2011
Hello Out There!
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It has been a VERY long time since my last post. I don't know what happened but it did. The old creative block hit me - hard! All my creative energy was consumed by the computer and there was nothing left for sketchbooks and paper.
The muse didn't give up on me and a scheduled trip to San Francisco coincided with the World Wide Sketchcrawl for Japan on Saturday, April 16. I was able to take a couple of hours to sketch with the San Francisco group at Dolores Park. And what a group it was, my guess, there were at least fifty people sketching around the Mission. Thank you all for your hospitality! And thanks to my husband and family who encouraged "Nana" to go. I'm a little rusty but hope I'm getting back into the groove.
Here are two more from the week.

This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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