Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Creative Ideas for Decorating Your Home With Original Abstract Paintings
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Today we decorate! Such is the cry of the new homeowner, whether new to being a homeowner or new to this particular home. And such is the challenge, to create a living space that is livable. Saving the most intimate areas for last, let us take a virtual trip through the typical home. First, we knock on the door and enter the foyer. It is a smallish space that says so much about a visitor’s first glance into your home. Is it welcoming? Are there places for muddy shoes and dripping umbrellas? Perhaps a coat rack or antique hat rack make the visitor glad to shed his outdoor gear and enter the indoor area of your gracious home. A signature painting is on the wall. It is smallish, too, a little abstract piece that he will recognize as a water lily. He sees it, and smiles.
After greeting him, you invite him into the great room. This has been the most challenging to decorate due to its vaulted ceiling and wide expanse of floor space. It’s designed for casually combining the living and dining aspects of home life, yet it seemed huge and impossible to decorate. Thanks to the flair for finding decorating tips that somehow leaped up inside you, tips about color and groupings, you decide that, really, you are most happy with the results. You’ve divided the large space into smaller ones using furniture groupings. The fireplace is the focal point of the living area and so it has been made inviting with a loveseat and two overstuffed armchairs. It is separate from the television area, which has a long sofa for groups to watch television in happy camaraderie. At the far end of the great room is a window that cried out for a window seat, so you had one installed. In the nook thus created, you placed eight small pieces of artwork, framed ornately in gold filigree. When the reader tires of print and wants to change his point of view, he simply looks up and sees an outdoor vista through the window or he glances at the art, changing his mood as he admires the brushstrokes or the subject. You think you are the happiest with this choice for the great room.
But wait, your guest must refresh himself. You point him to the bathroom, and as he heads for the facility, he passes through a hallway that truly offered a dark pathway before, but now, thanks to your assiduously following the decorating tips, sports a wide painting showing a traveling scene with horse and elegant coach through English countryside. It is lit by track lighting and this has transformed your previously dingy hall into a pleasant walk. You rest assured that the bathroom is adequately stocked with floral soaps and individual hand towels, as well as a small print of an ancient Roman bathhouse, with an abstract floral on the opposite side of the mirror.
Your guest has turned and you glow with pride as he compliments you on your choices of color and furniture. Since the great room is roomy enough to divide, you have installed two bookcases back to back as a divider between the conversational area and the reading area. A slightly darker tone than is on the walls is on the ceiling of the room and this adds coziness and closeness, while the area rugs give the illusion that there are really three or more specializing areas within the square footage.
After dinner in the kitchen that is just through a faux archway to add even more interest to the room, your guest is tired from his journey to visit you. You rise and lead him to the guest room, cheerfully lit with a single overhead fixture and painted in a restful robins’ egg blue color. He is grateful for the chance to recoup his strength and promises you that tomorrow he will tour the backyard and admire the garden you’ve told him about. You can hardly wait to show him your expertise in the outdoors, too.

This post was written by: beemagnet77
BeeMagnet is a professional graphic designer, web designer and business man with really strong passion that specializes in marketing strategy. Usually hangs out in Twitter has recently launched a blog dedicated to home design inspiration for designers, bride, photographers and artists called HomeBase
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