Thursday, June 30, 2011

What is it like being an Abstract Artist Question and Answer.

Question:Well this isn’t a question I just felt like telling you that your work is really inspiring. I would literally buy some of your artwork but I am still a teenager in high school with no money. Anyways I actually do have a question now that I think about it. Did you go to an Art School did you major in Art I really plan in going to the arts institute. Although a lot of people tell me that artist don’t really get paid a lot. But it truly is my dream to major in art. I just don’t know exactly what its like to be an artist out there. I would really appreciate it if you give me some advice. Thank you 

Answer: Thank you very much for your feedback! As far as your question what is it like being an abstract artist I would say it is truly up to the individual person on how far they want to go. If this is your dream than I would definitely encourage you to pursuit it the rest will come along. As in my personal situation being an artist I would say it is truly rewarding experience and a way of life.

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