Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sushi with Vuillard postcards

Transparent watercolor on Fabriano 17 x 23 cm

I think this is the first time I have ever set up a still life to paint. It wasn't so bad. I needed to get that sushi in there somewhere for Karin Jurick.

I have been very preoccupied, excited, having fun getting ready for my trip to the U.S.  As I have probably mentioned like 500 times, I am going to participate in a workshop in South Carolina with Charles Reid the end of this month.  

The following can be filled under"probably more  than you wanted to know".

I have gone through all my watercolors and chosen the 20 colors I am going to take with me (closest to the colors he recommends).  

I made  new value charts, mixing charts and even glazing charts with all 20. (This is just one of the mixing charts. I think there are 6 altogether.)

(I say "even glazing" because C Reid doesn't use that technique, but I thought, why not, as long as I am being obsessive.)

I have reread all 5 books I have by him. I cleaned and sorted all my brushes.

I have a new easel, a new, smaller folding palette and I have been trying to work exclusively on it so I will be used to it, and the angle I will need to use to paint. (I usually paint either flat on my little desk - to the right on the photo- or on my lap outside.)

and here is a close up of my palette after I finished the little painting above.  See? No muddy puddle colors.

And not only am I excited about going to this workshop, but it has also been one and a half years since I have been to the U.S. or seen my parents, brother or my favorite cousin, Dorothy. I will be gone for an entire month and am going to join another workshop near Tulsa with my old painting buddies from around there with Pat Weaver. I am feeling like one lucky woman!

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