Monday, June 20, 2011

Abstract Art Painting Technique Discussion Post Five.

Q: I like your drawing and painting techniques, my question is: i know many kind of color like oil , water color , pastel, what kind of color you use in your painting? what is abstract painting?

A: If I understand your question correctly, I use only high quality acrylic paint. As far as how to define an abstract painting, it is simply a visual language of form, color and line to create a composition which may exist with a degree of independence from visual references in the world.

Q: Hi, what do you brush on the canvas before you start applying the black paint? Nice work btw!

A: Usually I apply water and sometimes I lay a coat of white acrylic paint

Q: Have you used up side down brush making those interesting circles___I like them a lot and painting is so pretty!!!

A: Yes I do use up side down brush on fresh paint. As you've mentioned it makes an interesting effect :)

Q: You are amazing. You are teaching me so much. I cannot wait to try this, especially with the sponge. I love the sponge effect. Thank you for your videos.

A: Thank you and have fun with it!

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