Tuesday, June 21, 2011

High key portrait painting

High key portrait painting. Here is another experiment of high key painting from last night. If you want to know what high key painting is you can check it out on my previous post, high key painting. Usually high key painting will have value range from 50 to 100 (medium grey to white). But for mine, this is the second one I painted, I am using the value range of 70 to 100. That's make my painting really pale and almost white opaque. Personally I like it, but I think 70-100 (30), is too little of value range I can really play with. It force me to use really limited resource to at my best ability.
Since I've been painting a few painting with high key rules. It can be difficult to paint high key, but it can also be really easy. The difficulty lies in selecting the right value and color for the area of the painting. The easy part is the painting process itself, once you know where the paint goes. There is not much value range to pick from so it is a lot easier to paint.  Personally having only 30 value range to play with is not an ideal.  Perhaps, the next one I should use the value range from 50-100 instead to get more of light, shadow and color.

Anyway here is another portrait painting study using high key.

If you look at it in black and white, you will realize that there is very little value (light and dark) involved.  But if I increase the saturation of the selected color, it can help compensating the dark value visually in the area most of the time.

Below are my high key portrait painting step by step process
painting high key portrait

how to paint high key portrait

high key portrait painting
To download a bigger image go to High key portrait painting.

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